I've already covered the Shrewsbury branch of the Deli on the Square, but I think the Ludlow branch (the original one) is even better.

They're famous for their mustard, including their own own Shropshire Lad Beer Mustard, and even have another website just for their mustard http://www.justmustard.com!
I bought some nice leek and walnut cheese tarts and salmon and dill tarts.
They also sell Tipsy fruit gins. When I worked on a South Shropshire farm, 30 year ago, nearly everyone made damson wine and or damson gin. I still think making damson gin is the best thing to do with damsons, which grow abundantly in Shropshire.
Since writing this, this business has closed and is now the excellent Harp Lane Deli.
Deli on the Square
4 Church Street
Tel: 01584 877353
Web: www.delionthesquareludlow.co.uk