Northenden Food Market

It was a lovely day when I set off yesterday, but just as I got to Manchester the heavens opened and there was heavy rain. Our geography teacher when I was at school (in Manchester) was always at pains to point out that the rainfall in Manchester is not excessive, but the precipitation is more evenly distributed than other areas. Apparently that helped the cotton weavers...

A leaflet I picked up told me that following a successful pilot, the Northenden Food Market will now continue to operate indefinitely. It is open on the first Saturday of every month, and they're now going to try opening on the third Saturdays of the month as well for a six month period.

I notice they've called it a Food Market rather than a Farmers' Market, but many farmer friends were present, like Andrew Jackson and his Great Tasting Meat and also Savin Hill Farm.

It's on the shopping parade at Palatine Road, Northenden. For those that don't know Northenden, it's confusingly in South Manchester.
