I was listening to the radio yesterday and was alarmed to hear that 20% of samples taken from beef labelled as local or British in pubs and restaurants in south-west England was foreign.
During the undercover investigation, the BBC secretly took samples of beef from 40 pubs or restaurants and sent it off for DNA-analysis. Scientists found that eight of the samples had the DNA of exotic cattle that only exist in South America and Africa - humped zebu cattle!
Although the BBC's investigation was carried out in south-west England, trading standards officers believe the situation was not unique to the area.
What can be done about this unacceptable situation? Labelling laws need to be clarified, and I would like to see more undercover testing followed up by prosecutions of people selling inferior, foreign meat and labelling it as local. Shopping at shops such as the ones featured in this blog, and buying of people you can trust, will also help.
Web: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7377416.stm
During the undercover investigation, the BBC secretly took samples of beef from 40 pubs or restaurants and sent it off for DNA-analysis. Scientists found that eight of the samples had the DNA of exotic cattle that only exist in South America and Africa - humped zebu cattle!
Although the BBC's investigation was carried out in south-west England, trading standards officers believe the situation was not unique to the area.
What can be done about this unacceptable situation? Labelling laws need to be clarified, and I would like to see more undercover testing followed up by prosecutions of people selling inferior, foreign meat and labelling it as local. Shopping at shops such as the ones featured in this blog, and buying of people you can trust, will also help.
Web: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7377416.stm