Lancashire Sauce

It says Lancashire on my birth certificate and so, having already mentioned Worcester Sauce and Yorkshire Relish, I thought I'd better try some Lancashire Sauce. A new one for me, the recipe for Lancashire Sauce has been in the Entwistle family over the last four generations. It's a condiment which you can use before cooking as a marinade, during the cooking process or on the finished product (or, as they suggest on their web site, all three). You can add it to soups or casseroles and flavour stocks or shake it on cheese on toast or fish and chips. You can liven up baked beans, pasta, salads or pasties.

It is on sale throughout Lancashire and parts of Cheshire and David Entwistle tells me it's now in Harvey Nicholls.  You can also buy it from its home, Entwistle's Deli in Ramsbottom.



Hamper Heaeven said…
Couldn't agree more. Lancashire Sauce is so versatile, you can add it to almost anything for added flavour, not tried it on ice cream yet but you never know. Lancashire sauce flavoured Fiddlers Lancashire crisps are just delicious.