The Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham (pictured above) is one of the largest in the UK, with an average of 36.5 million visitors a year. Just below the shopping centre are Birmingham's Bullring markets. Birmingham has had a market for a long time - in the 12th century Peter de Birmingham bought the right to hold a weekly market! Birmingham’s Bullring markets this year were crowned Best Outdoor Market by the National Association of British Market Authorities

Don't be put off by the drab entrance to the indoor market, inside there's all sorts of stalls and lively market banter. It's the sort of place where you can go not knowing what you want and get inspired by what is cheap and fresh.

There's good fruit and vegetables, meat (including game) and fish and other seafood. If you're brave you can buy live eels!

Birmingham is a multi-cultural city and the market caters for many different tastes. You can buy goats' feet , salmon heads, chickens' feet, tripe and pigs' trotters! I've not knowingly eaten any of the above apart from when I once had tripe, which I didn't enjoy. After all, the whole point of a stomach wall is that it's supposed to be indigestible? However I do believe that if you are going to kill an animal you shouldn't waste it.
If you want a Christmas turkey or goose, you'll find one here.

Bullring Indoor Market
Edgbaston Street
B5 4RB
Tel: 0121 622 0201