In case you're wondering what the Pearson household are having for Christmas, I've included a picture of the results of my Christmas Eve shopping trip:
Having watched others queue just to get into supermarket carparks in the last few days, I decided to wait until after 3pm on Christmas Eve to do my food shopping, when the serious discounting begins! The beef was a third off, my free range bronze turkey was less than half price, the salmon was reduced by 75% and the bag of bean sprouts was 10p. My last minute buying policy adds to the excitement, as you never know what you're going to get, and the longer you leave it the more you save - but the less choice you get!

I did go and see Nantwich Player's production of A Christmas Carol this year and found myself pitying Scrooge (who in this production expected tenants to pay the rent they owed and borrowers to repay the loan in the timescale they had agreed)!
It's interesting that in Dickens's novel the poor Cratchits were eating a goose and later Scrooge lavishly bought them a turkey, whereas today turkeys are incredibly cheap and geese are the luxury.
Anyway I hope you have an enjoyable Christmas, and thanks to all the farmers, food producers and retailers for making it so easy for us to have good food on our plates.