Baa Hill Farm Shop

What a great name for a farm shop! It is on Bar Hill just outside Madeley, and what a great farm shop Charles and Tina's Baa Hill Farm Shop is.
They sell meat either from their own farm or from carefully selected neighbours. I bought a couple of blades of beef for a £1 each (the same price as a beefburger I'd seen earlier that day in M & S). The beef cooked beautifully in a pressure cooker. I'm always impressed when I see cheaper cuts for sale, Charles told me he puts the dearer cuts and not the cheaper cuts in his mince. They sell free-range eggs and poultry.
Pork and their own dry-cured bacon comes from their own pigs, breeds include Tamworth, Gloucester Old Spot, Middle White and Berkshire.
I've noticed whilst doing this blog that there's a close correlation between a positive attitude of owners letting me take photos and the quality of their produce! I was invited into their cold store, where I could see meat being properly hung, and a range of different breeds for customers with different requirements.
They'd got Hereford and Continental breeds of beef, and Jersey crosses for people wanting lean beef, and Charles told me the Dexter beef was very popular.
They're famous for their sausages, made with a high meat content and a bit of bread from G P Snape's bakery just down the road in Woore. Try their rhubarb sausage, it's very popular.

Have you ever tried rhubarb in a mutton stew, it cuts through the fattiness without leaving a taste of rhubarb? You can also eat the sausages in the Croft at Woore restaurant when they have gourmet sausage and mash evenings on Thursdays.
It's not very far from the M6 (between junctions 15 and 16), so if you're travelling on the M6 why not put their postcode into your satnav and do a little detour?

Baa Hill Farm Shop
The Barn House
Bar Hill

Tel: 01782 751123
