The best ever ploughmans?

Over Easter I've been visiting a few relatives (and visited some new food shops on the way). The picture at the top of this post is simple food, which I get excited about! The very dark bread is from a Shropshire Brown loaf from Richard Swift's craft bakers on Clee Hill, there's Stichelton Cheese from Welbeck Farm Shop in Nottinghamshire, Little Hereford Cheese from Monkland, and a Bromyard Brie from Legges of Bromyard. The superb Cucumber Relish comes from a French deli I've just discovered in Leominster.  It a million miles from the lacklustre ploughman's that many pubs serve, but it's not a hard thing to get right is it?

I'll start to write more about these (and other finds) when I've finished my lunch!


Emily said…
Have you tried Cotswold Brie? I first tried it on a cheeseboard at Lords of the Manor in Upper Slaughter and it was so good I found the dairy the following day and bought a big wheel of the stuff!
Bill Pearson said…
Thanks for the suggestion Emily, I will try some next time I'm that way.