I've not come across Kelsmor Ice-cream before, it's made with Guernsey milk, I certainly will look out for it in the future.
Bewdley Brewery is situated in an old school. I was shocked to discover that their Junior School bitter is 3.4% alcohol, their Senior School bitter is 4.1 %. I bought a bottle of each to compare the difference!
Heart of England Fine Foods arranged cookery demonstrations, Carolyn Chesshire gave a demonstration on "Worcestershire on a Plate" in her own inimitable style. I was amused how she described how she replaced her Coeur a la Crème moulds with some plastic which she got from Harry Tuffins. Her husband Henry had to drill them the night before, I think their table still bears the scars!

On the 11th of July 2009, at Brampton Bryan, Carolyn Chesshire is running the Mortimer Country Food Fare. I reckon it will be worth a visit....