The remarkable thing about the punnet of strawberries at the top of this post is that I picked it in less than 5 minutes! I've never found strawberries so easy to pick! The strawberries were big but still had a good flavour. The Roberts family have been at Bearstone for 38 years. All their produce is grown in open fields, they don't use grow bags or tunnels. They also use plenty of straw to make sure you get good quality fruit.

They're open now for strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries, rhubarb, new potatoes, broad beans, carrots, garlic and beetroot , with other fruit and vegetables to follow shortly. They're only open for a few weeks of the year, so make the most of them whilst you can!

Bearstone Fruit Farm
Market Drayton
Tel: 01630 672120