Hartington is a lovely village in the south of the Peak District. It's a great place for walking -before you start have a coffee and a fresh scone from the Beresford Tea Rooms and sit outside next to the Victorian post box:

Hartington is famous for its cheese. The creamery in Hartington was established by the Duke of Devonshire in the 1870's. Hartington creamery is one of only a few creameries licensed to produce blue Stilton cheese. Ironically Stilton can't be produced in the Cambridgeshire village called Stilton where the cheese got its name from. However rival cheesemaker Long Clawson bought the Hartington creamery from Dairy Crest last year and this summer it's being closed down.
The Old Cheese Shop was opened in the 1980s to showcase the best cheeses from the award winning Hartington Creamery. It's still trading as usual at present, but it's up for sale (by auction) on Thursday 24th September 2009, so I recommend you get there fast. I hope it will remain a cheese shop, but lack of advertising revenue/sponsorship from this blog stops me from placing a bid.

The Old Cheese Shop
Market Place
SK17 0AL
Tel: 01298 84935
I wish you well with your new business and look forward to seeing the new lines.
GK Chesterton: “The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”
Voila: www.tastingtoeternity.com. This book is a poetic view of 30 of the best loved French cheeses with an additional two odes to cheese. Recipes, wine pairing, three short stories and an educational section complete the book.
From a hectic life in New York City to the peace and glories of the French countryside lead me to be the co-founder of www.fromages.com. Ten years later with the words of Pierre Androuet hammering on my brain:
“Cheese is the soul of the soil. It is the purest and most romantic link between humans and the earth.”
I took pen and paper; many reams later with the midnight oil burning Tasting to Eternity was born and self published.
I believe cheese and wine lovers should be told about this publication.
I will ensure that you get a mention in there.