This relatively new shop is very close to Shrewsbury Railway Station and specialises in traditional bread made the old fashioned way. This takes longer but the long ferment that their bread receives results in a much chewier crumb. Their traditional white bread was the winner at this year's Ludlow food Festival.

They sell pain de campagne, seeded, whole wheat and walnut, rosemary and raisin, spelt and rye and brown made from sour dough, and country white, wholemeal, wholegrain seeded and pain rustica yeasted breads. In addition they do "celebrity guest breads" which change daily, like lapsang souchong and ginger which apparently goes beautifully with soft blue cheeses and was a runner-up at Ludlow Food Festival. They've got quite a following on Twitter, where they tell you what celebrity breads they'll be doing next.

Besides bread, they do pastries, croissants and cakes. The cake flavours, like some of the breads, are seasonal. At the end of the week they also make a bread and butter pudding with croissants.

Shrewsbury Bakehouse
7 Castle Gates
Tel: 01743 248384
Out-of-hours: 07775 691325