Today a new web site is launched - Virtual Farmers' Market. It's the idea of Marcus Carter, a pâté maker who came up with the idea whilst working on his market stall at the Partridges Farmer's Market in London. You can even download your own Virtual Farmers Market and browse the stalls! They've used 3D technology used for developing video games to try and replicate browsing a traditional Farmers' Market.
Whilst I think the whole point of Farmers' Markets is to touch and smell the produce and meet the producers, I welcome this initiative. You can ‘meet’ the people that produce your food and drink via video streams and buy produce from more than 45 market stalls from the comfort of your own home, with your very own Virtual Farmer helping to guide you around! Not everyone can get to a real Farmers' Market and if if this innovative initiative gets a younger, computer game playing generation interested in good food, that's got to be welcomed.

Congratulations for your entry in the Feb Olive magazine, I hope you don't mind I have added you to my list of olive recommends on my own blog.