If you've found Graeme Mitcheson's rather fine sculpture (made from Kilkenny Limestone) on Conwy Quay then you're virtually at Conwy Mussels.
The seabed, where the river Conwy meets the Irish Sea, is very good for mussels.

Apparently there's a pearl from a Conwy mussel in the Crown Jewels. I'm not a huge fan of mussels, which is a pity as the
Marine Conservation Society reckons that mussels are one of the most environmentally sound types of fish or shellfish available.

If you are a fan of mussels, go to Conwy Quay - where you'll find Conwy Mussels.

You can see their state of the art purification tanks and purchase some cheap fresh mussels.

Conwy Mussel Company
The Quay
LL32 8BB
Tel: 01492 592689
Fax: 01492 592689
Home Liverpool. Cooked in garlic/butter Great.